Science | Choose One Stream
Year 9 Science offers three streams, each of which spends the majority of the year focusing on core science content in the fields of Biology (Body Systems and Ecology), Chemistry (Atomic Theory and Chemical Reactions) and Physics (Energy and Electricity), with approximately one school term spent investigating a topic specific to the stream chosen. These investigations provide a focus for each of the three streams offered: Astro Stream; Consumer Stream; and Enviro Stream. Â
Astro Stream
The Astro Stream provides core units with an additional Astronomy unit including a space mission simulation at the Victorian Space Science Education Centre.
Assessment can be done by written tests that include recall of facts, understanding of concepts, and solving of problems, as well as practical work and assignments.
An exam is held each semester on the content covered.
All streams are suitable prerequisites for future studies in Science and subject choice in Year 10 will not be limited by the choice of Science stream undertaken in Year 9.
Consumer Stream
The Consumer Stream provides core units with an additional Consumer unit where students explore the power of advertising and the science behind creating and testing commercial products.
Assessment can be done by written tests that include recall of facts, understanding of concepts, and solving of problems, as well as practical work, practical tests and reports, oral and multimedia presentations and assignments.
An exam is held each semester on the content covered.
All streams are suitable prerequisites for future studies in Science and subject choice in Year 10 will not be limited by the choice of Science stream undertaken in Year 9.
Enviro Stream
Enviro Stream provides core units with an additional ‘Growing Things’ investigation undertaken in the Agriculture and Horticulture Centre involving caring for animals and learning horticultural practices.
Assessment can be done by written tests that include recall of facts, understanding of concepts, and solving of problems, as well practical work and assignments
An exam is held each semester on the content covered.
All streams are suitable prerequisites for future studies in Science and subject choice in Year 10 will not be limited by the choice of Science stream undertaken in Year 9.